About Duduk and The Armenian Duduk-Players

Among the Armenian national instruments duduk has a place of honour. It is not a mere instrument. Every listener feels it in his own way. Duduk has soul and feelings in itself. It is a unified symphony of human spirits.
In its tiny holes it bears the cry of our bitter past, the hymn to the present bright life, our stead-fast soul, our faith, our rightness, titanic strength.
Duduk is the breath of life to every Armenian. While listening to the sweet tunes of the duduk one is charmed to see in his mind's eye our native land of high mountains, fertile valleys, azure sky, dazzling sun, transparent lakes and turbulent streams.
It is said that the duduk can work miracles. And not without reason. It can talk to you, entertain you, amuse you, it can also get you into deep contemplation. At times it can even make you cry your heart out. As an open secret, the power of the duduk is in the divine sweetness of its timbre.
A love of music has always been a feature of Armenians. It is hardy ever possible to imagine any national festivity without folk music and dance. Amateur duduk-players were always welcome, loved and respected by the people.
Each of them represented his own musical interpretation, displayed his individuality and self-expression to the public. They made an important contribution to the art of duduk-playing. Whole generations of duduk-players have grown up, passed into maturity and with their delicate art excited millions of duduk-fans.
In more recent years, when duduk has stepped on stage, professional duduk-players had and still have tremendous success at big concert-halls of many countries of the world. Armenian duduk-players of rare musicality display their art before a wider audience.
Duduk the only Armenian instrument has always been the favourite of our people. Melodies played on this small instrument are inexpressibly touching, they convey the inward feelings of our nation, the warmth that runs through ages. And this is sure to make a particular impression on the listeners.
The sweet and soft tunes of our folk music, usually having the colouring of sadness, sorrow and deep grief, as though reflecting our age-old history, touch the heart, the soul and inflame the imagination of everyone irrespective of age and colour skin.
Each radiation of the Armenian folk melodies on the duduk is a spontaneous outburst of feeling and passion. No verbal explanation is needed. For the duduk «speaks»! Yes, it has its language fully comprehensible to each listener. Even if the listener is a foreigner, and hasn't got the least notion about the Armenian people, its history and civilization, he is sure to learn it from the duduk.
For duduk is the very medium which tells about the indomitable spirit of the Armenians, reveals the stamps of anger, the jumps of joy in the history of our ancient country.
This tiny instrument speaks a language accessible, common to all mankind.
Author: Kamo Mkrtchyan